BEIRUT - Lebanon will soon be food secure again and its commercial sector is bouncing back quicker than expected, paving the way for the withdrawal of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) from the country by the end of October, according to a WFP food assessment and nutrition report issued today.
WFP’S DAUNTING TASK: FEEDING 1.7 MILLION REFUGEES IN 2006 GENEVA – As the media and the humanitarian community focus on the spreading drought in the Horn of Africa, the United Nations World Food Programme is deeply concerned that more attention is needed to highlight the persistent problems faced by the world’s refugees – most of them in Africa.
SUDAN AGAIN FACES FOOD RATION CUTS: WILL DARFUR BE PUT BACK ON A DIET? KHARTOUM - The United Nations World Food Programme today urged the international community to help end the misery in the western Sudanese region of Darfur, where almost half a million people are now cut off from emergency food aid because of fighting and attacks.
= English texts to follow =
最新の推計では、2018年の世界の飢餓人口は8億2000万人以上とみられ、世界総人口のおよそ9人に1 人が飢餓に直面しています。この飢餓人口はここ数年連続でゆるやかに増加しています。一方、不健康な食生活がもたらす肥満の割合は世界のどの地域でも上昇傾向にあり、あらゆる形態の栄養不良の課題に取り組むことが求められています。