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10/16開催 「飢餓のない世界を目指して」 ~未来をつくる私たちのアクション~

10/16開催 「飢餓のない世界を目指して」 ~未来をつくる私たちのアクション~
国連WFPは10月16日午後6時から東京・青山の国連大学において、食料・農業分野で活動する国連食糧農業機関(FAO)と国際農業開発基金(IFAD)の国連2機関と、農林水産省とイベント「飢餓のない世界を目指して ~未来をつくる私たちのアクション~」を共催します。

= English texts to follow =


最新の推計では、2018年の世界の飢餓人口は8億2000万人以上とみられ、世界総人口のおよそ9人に1 人が飢餓に直面しています。この飢餓人口はここ数年連続でゆるやかに増加しています。一方、不健康な食生活がもたらす肥満の割合は世界のどの地域でも上昇傾向にあり、あらゆる形態の栄養不良の課題に取り組むことが求められています。

国連WFPは10月16日午後6時から東京・青山の国連大学において、食料・農業分野で活動する国連食糧農業機関(FAO)と国際農業開発基金(IFAD)の国連2機関と、農林水産省とイベント「飢餓のない世界を目指して ~未来をつくる私たちのアクション~」を共催します。




日時:2019年10月16日(水)18:00 – 21:00

場所:国連大学(東京メトロ表参道駅B2 出⼝(銀座線、半蔵⾨線、千代⽥線)徒歩5 分、JR 渋⾕駅徒歩10 分)




言語:日・英 (同時もしくは逐次通訳有り)

定員: 150 ⼈(お申し込みは先着順です。定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます)




〈第一部〉 シンポジウム       


       場所:国連大学1階 アネックススペース


18:00 開会挨拶   鈴木馨祐外務副大臣(FAO議員連盟 事務局長)

                                 農林水産省国際部 国際機構グループ 参事官 郷 達也氏                               

18:10 講演 日本担当FAO親善大使 国谷裕子氏

18:25 報告「世界の食料安全保障と栄養」 FAO駐日連絡事務所 所長 チャールズ・ボリコ

18:35 報告「栄養に配慮した食料システムの促進:家族農家と農村女性の役割」IFAD グローバルエンゲージメント・

     パートナーシップ・資金調達部 部長 ロン・ハートマン

18:45 報告「気候変動と飢餓」(調整中)WFP日本事務所 代表 焼家直絵

18:55 質疑応答

19:15    閉会挨拶 外務省(調整中)

〈第二部〉 レセプション        




19:30 開会挨拶、乾杯 農林水産省

19:35    食品ロス削減をテーマにしたお料理のご紹介 

     日本担当FAO親善大使 中村勝宏氏

19:50    お料理のご提供、歓談

20:50    閉会挨拶 FAO駐日連絡事務所、IFAD、WFP日本事務所



World Food Day Event “For a world free from hunger - our actions are our future -”

Celebrated each year on FAO’s anniversary, 16 October, #WorldFoodDay is one of the biggest days in the UN calendar. Events are held in up to 150 countries to bring together businesses, NGOs, media agencies, cities and civil society organizations.

This year, World Food Day (WFD) is raising awareness of the importance of healthy diets and calling for urgent action across sectors to make healthy diets available and affordable to everyone with the theme “Our actions are our future. Healthy diets for a #Zero Hunger world”.

According to the latest report of FAO, after decades of steady decline, the trend in world hunger – as measured by the prevalence of undernourishment – reverted in 2015, remaining virtually unchanged in the past three years at a level slightly below 11 percent. Meanwhile, the number of people who suffer from hunger has slowly increased. As a result, more than 820 million people in the world were still hungry in 2018, underscoring the immense challenge of achieving the Zero Hunger target by 2030. At the same time, overweight and obesity continue to increase in all regions, particularly among school-age children and adults. Various forms of malnutrition have to be tackled.

This time, on 16 October, the three Rome-based agencies – FAO, IFAD and WFP – will get together in Tokyo for this important event to discuss ways to achieve a world free from hunger and malnutrition. During the first part of the event, a symposium will be held with a keynote speech by Ms Hiroko Kuniya, a newscaster and FAO’s Goodwill Ambassador for Japan, followed by presentations by FAO, IFAD, and WFP. The presentations will focus on the current status of food security and nutrition in the world and concrete activities to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. The second part will be a reception, during which Mr Katsuhiro Nakamura, a French cuirine chef and FAO’s Goodwill Ambassador for Japan, will introduce a dish to promote food loss and waste reduction.       

Date and Time: 16 October 2019, 18:00 – 21:00

Place: United Nations University (UNU), Tokyo

Organizers: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Liaison Office in Japan, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP) Japan Relations Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)

Patronage by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) (to be confirmed)

Cooperation by: NIPPON HOTEL Co., Ltd., Ryouri volunteer-no-kai (to be confirmed)

Language: Japanese and English (with interpretation)

Number of Participants: 150

Registration: Please register from the following link:

Programme (Tentative):

 - Part 1 -   Symposium      (18:00 – 19:20, 1F Annex Space, with simultaneous interpretation)

18:00 Opening remarks by:

                Mr Keisuke Suzuki, State Minister for Foreign Affairs (Secretary General, FAO Parliamentarian 

                 Friendship League)

                Mr Tatsuya Go, Director, International Organizations Division, International Affairs 

                 Department, MAFF                                               

18:10 Keynote speech by Ms Hiroko Kuniya, FAO National Goodwill Ambassador for Japan

18:25    Presentation on food security and nutrition in the world by Mr Charles Boliko, Director, FAO Liaison Office

                 in Japan

18:35 Presentation “Promoting nutrition-sensitive food systems: the role of family farmers and rural women”

                 by Mr Ron Hartman, Director, Global Engagement, Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Division, IFAD

18:45 Presentation on climate change and hunger (to be cofirmed) by Ms Naoe Yakiya, Director, 

                 WFP Japan Relations Office

18:55 Q & A

19:15 Closing remarks by MOFA (to be confirmed)

 - Part 2 -   Reception      (19:30 – 21:00, 2F Reception Hall, with consecutive interpretation)

19:30    Opening remarks and toasting by MAFF

19:35    Remarks by Mr Katsuhiro Nakamura, FAO National Goodwill Ambassador for Japan.  

19:50    Food tasting and networking

20:50    Closing remarks by FAO, IFAD and WFP

* This reception will be jointly organized also as that of the “International Workshop on Food Loss and Waste Prevention targeting Southeast and East Asian region.”




WFP国連世界食糧計画日本事務所 広報官 上野きより

Tel. 03-5766-5211 Email.
