PHNOM PENH - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) thanked Japanese football star Hidetoshi Nakata for donating soccer balls to Banteay Srei Primary School in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Nakata visited the school last week with WFP, which provides hot meals to 830 students there.
PLAYING CLEAN: WORLD’S LEADING HUMANITARIAN VIDEO GAME REACHES 4 MILLION 「 ROME – Twelve months after its launch, the world’s first humanitarian video game about hunger is being celebrated as an unprecedented success story. “Food Force” is about clean fun for kids, in an environment where popular video games are often filled with sex and violence.
LIBYA MAKES FIRST DONATION TO WFP -- FOR MILLIONS AT RISK IN DARFUR, CHAD KHARTOUM – The United Nations World Food Programme today welcomed its first ever contribution from the Government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
MASSIVE AID EFFORT CONTAINS GROWTH OF MALNUTRITION IN DARFUR KHARTOUM – Despite the deteriorating security situation in Darfur, a new United Nations assessment has found that overall malnutrition levels have mostly stabilized in 2006 and food insecurity has improved slightly thanks to a stronger international response to the suffering in Sudan’s war-torn west.
5 October 2006 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DONATION HELPS SUSTAIN WFP OPERATIONS IN DARFUR KHARTOUM – The United Nations World Food Programme mission in Darfur has received a welcome boost with two significant donations from the European Commission: €26 million for WFP’s emergency relief operations and €2 million for the Humanitarian Air Service (WFPHAS), which transports both WFP and
= English texts to follow =
最新の推計では、2018年の世界の飢餓人口は8億2000万人以上とみられ、世界総人口のおよそ9人に1 人が飢餓に直面しています。この飢餓人口はここ数年連続でゆるやかに増加しています。一方、不健康な食生活がもたらす肥満の割合は世界のどの地域でも上昇傾向にあり、あらゆる形態の栄養不良の課題に取り組むことが求められています。
当日は好天に恵まれ、大勢の皆さんがアフリカの子どもたちの飢餓をなくすために歩きました。参加総数は3,593人となり、参加費からの募金と会場に設置した募金箱へのご寄付を合わせて、合計3,510,568円が集まりました。これにより、およそ11万7千人の子どもたちに栄養たっぷりの給食を届けることができます。当日の様子はこちらからご覧ください。「WFPウォーク・ザ・ワールド for アフリカ」の専用WEBサイトでも、ご報告しております。