CANCELLED CONVOYS HAMPER AID FOR STRANDED IN SOUTHERN LEBANON BEIRUT - The United Nations World Food Programme today warned that it had suffered another setback in its huge efforts to bring much-needed aid to the beleaguered inhabitants of southern Lebanon.
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最新の推計では、2018年の世界の飢餓人口は8億2000万人以上とみられ、世界総人口のおよそ9人に1 人が飢餓に直面しています。この飢餓人口はここ数年連続でゆるやかに増加しています。一方、不健康な食生活がもたらす肥満の割合は世界のどの地域でも上昇傾向にあり、あらゆる形態の栄養不良の課題に取り組むことが求められています。
UK DONATION FOR ROADS MAY OPEN NEW ERA OF DRIVING ACROSS SUDAN KHARTOUM – The World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed a donation of US$8.7 million from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development earmarked for the United Nations food agency’s giant road works project in southern Sudan.
ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY MEETS HUNGRY CHILDREN IN SOUTHERN SUDAN ON DAY OF FASTING MALAKAL, Sudan – On the traditional day of fasting for millions of Christians around the world, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr.