UK DONATION FOR ROADS MAY OPEN NEW ERA OF DRIVING ACROSS SUDAN KHARTOUM – The World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed a donation of US$8.7 million from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development earmarked for the United Nations food agency’s giant road works project in southern Sudan.
WFP FOOD DISTRIBUTED IN BEIRUT’S BATTERED SOUTHERN SUBURBS BEIRUT - Municipal workers today distributed food rations from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to vulnerable families in Beirut’s southern suburbs where thousands of homes were damaged or destroyed in 33 days of conflict between Israel and Hizbollah.
当日は好天に恵まれ、大勢の皆さんがアフリカの子どもたちの飢餓をなくすために歩きました。参加総数は3,593人となり、参加費からの募金と会場に設置した募金箱へのご寄付を合わせて、合計3,510,568円が集まりました。これにより、およそ11万7千人の子どもたちに栄養たっぷりの給食を届けることができます。当日の様子はこちらからご覧ください。「WFPウォーク・ザ・ワールド for アフリカ」の専用WEBサイトでも、ご報告しております。
SUDAN AGAIN FACES FOOD RATION CUTS: WILL DARFUR BE PUT BACK ON A DIET? KHARTOUM - The United Nations World Food Programme today urged the international community to help end the misery in the western Sudanese region of Darfur, where almost half a million people are now cut off from emergency food aid because of fighting and attacks.