THOUSANDS OF LEBANESE HEADING HOME FROM SYRIA GET WFP FOOD PARCELS DAMASCUS - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said today that to facilitate the mass return of Lebanese who had taken refuge in Syria, it has been providing bread and biscuits to the thousands of people heading over the border back into Lebanon.
WFP FACES MAJOR SETBACKS & DEVELOPMENTS IN ITS ABILITY TO DELIVER URGENT AID TO LEBANON , Overnight bombing of the highway north from Beirut to the Syrian border has cut the road in at least three places and reportedly destroyed critical bridges. This could effectively sever the vital humanitarian lifeline between Lebanon and the outside world.
FIRST WFP FOOD AID SHIP ARRIVES IN SOMALI PORT OF MOGADISHU IN MORE THAN A DECADE MOGADISHU - A ship chartered by the United Nations World Food Programme docked yesterday in Mogadishu - the agency’s first delivery in the capital’s port in more than a decade.
WFP HELPS 10,000 SURVIVORS OF DEVASTATING FLOODS IN EASTERN ETHIOPIA DIRE DAWA – Following devastating floods in eastern Ethiopia, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is undertaking a rapid assessment and registration of survivors to determine the immediate food needs of an estimated 10,000 people left homeless by flash floods.
当日は好天に恵まれ、大勢の皆さんがアフリカの子どもたちの飢餓をなくすために歩きました。参加総数は3,593人となり、参加費からの募金と会場に設置した募金箱へのご寄付を合わせて、合計3,510,568円が集まりました。これにより、およそ11万7千人の子どもたちに栄養たっぷりの給食を届けることができます。当日の様子はこちらからご覧ください。「WFPウォーク・ザ・ワールド for アフリカ」の専用WEBサイトでも、ご報告しております。
WFP WARNS OF CATASTROPHE IN HORN OF AFRICA, AHEAD OF AU SUMMIT NAIROBI - In the run up to the African Union summit in Khartoum this month, the United Nations World Food Programme today warned that a humanitarian catastrophe would engulf the drought-stricken Horn of Africa unless WFP receives urgent donations to provide emergency food aid for an estimated 5.4 million people.