WFP HALTS IVORY COAST OPERATIONS IN WAKE OF VIOLENCE Abidjan - The United Nations World Food Programme warned today that continued uncertainty over the safety of WFP staff in Ivory Coast could have a disastrous effect on its operations to assist some of the most vulnerable people in the country, particularly in and around the western town of Guiglo.
WFP: LACK OF FUNDS COULD SHARPLY REDUCE AID DELIVERIES IN LEBANON BEIRUT - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today warned that a severe shortage of funding for its logistics operation in Lebanon is threatening to halt international aid efforts to provide relief to hundreds of thousands of displaced people and appealed to the donor community for more cash contributions.
CANCELLED CONVOYS HAMPER AID FOR STRANDED IN SOUTHERN LEBANON BEIRUT - The United Nations World Food Programme today warned that it had suffered another setback in its huge efforts to bring much-needed aid to the beleaguered inhabitants of southern Lebanon.
ADDING INSULT TO INJURY? SHARP RATION CUTS LEAVE DARFUR ON A DIET KHARTOUM – Despite the horrific suffering of millions of vulnerable people across Sudan, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said today that a severe shortage of funds has forced it to make drastic cuts in food rations from May.
CHILD HUNGER SPIKES IN MAURITANIA AS WFP RUNS OUT OF FOOD Nouakchott - The United Nations World Food Programme today urged the international community to reach into its pockets and fund its vital food aid operation so that the desert nation of Mauritania can pull through the most difficult months of the year.
2006 - ANOTHER BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL FOR MILLIONS IN WEST AFRICA DAKAR - The United Nations World Food Programme today called on the international community to rally strongly behind its efforts to tackle hunger and poverty in West Africa, the poorest region of the world.
WFP News Release 3 November 2006 WFP GIVES URGENT HELP TO VICTIMS OF NEW FLOODS IN SOUTHEAST ETHIOPIA ADDIS ABABA - With extensive flooding again hitting southeastern Ethiopia, the United Nations World Food Programme said today it is working closely with the Government of Ethiopia to ensure that food aid urgently reaches tens of thousands of flood-affected people in the Somali region.
当日は好天に恵まれ、大勢の皆さんがアフリカの子どもたちの飢餓をなくすために歩きました。参加総数は3,593人となり、参加費からの募金と会場に設置した募金箱へのご寄付を合わせて、合計3,510,568円が集まりました。これにより、およそ11万7千人の子どもたちに栄養たっぷりの給食を届けることができます。当日の様子はこちらからご覧ください。「WFPウォーク・ザ・ワールド for アフリカ」の専用WEBサイトでも、ご報告しております。