WFP WARNS FOOD RUNNING OUT IN BLOCKADED GAZA STRIP JERUSALEM – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said today that food was running out in the Gaza Strip and appealed to the Israeli authorities to allow food consignments to reach the tens of thousands of people in Gaza who depend on food aid to survive.
WFP WELCOMES APPOINTMENT OF JOSETTE SHEERAN AS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROME – After full consultation with the World Food Programme Executive Board at a special session attended by all its 36 members and most other member states, the President of the Board, Ambassador Mirza Qamar Beg of Pakistan, announced that the UN Secretary-General and FAO Director-General intend to appoint Josette Sheeran
WFP URGES WORLD LEADERS TO FOCUS MORE ON HUNGER AND POVERTY IN AFGHANISTAN LONDON - As international leaders and donors gather here for the Conference on Afghanistan on Tuesday and Wednesday, the United Nations World Food Programme is calling on the world community to focus more of its energy and attention on the millions of poor and hungry people in Afghanistan.
= English texts to follow =
最新の推計では、2018年の世界の飢餓人口は8億2000万人以上とみられ、世界総人口のおよそ9人に1 人が飢餓に直面しています。この飢餓人口はここ数年連続でゆるやかに増加しています。一方、不健康な食生活がもたらす肥満の割合は世界のどの地域でも上昇傾向にあり、あらゆる形態の栄養不良の課題に取り組むことが求められています。
LIBYA MAKES FIRST DONATION TO WFP -- FOR MILLIONS AT RISK IN DARFUR, CHAD KHARTOUM – The United Nations World Food Programme today welcomed its first ever contribution from the Government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
AS BITTER COLD GRIPS ARMENIA, WFP FORCED TO CUT FOOD AID TO HUNGRY POOR YEREVAN – As bitterly cold weather keeps its grip on the Caucasus region, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned today that due to a lack of funding, it has run out of most food commodities for the 110,000 people it assists in Armenia.
ITALY DONATES US$1.2 MILLION TO CASH-STRAPPED WFP OPERATIONS IN SUDAN KHARTOUM – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed an Italian donation of Euros 1 million (US$1.2 million) towards its emergency operation in Sudan, which is providing food assistance to more than 6.1 million people throughout 2006.